Does backup client support 32bit Windows Vista?

I have an old laptop running 32bit Windows Vista that I am trying to backup. I have tried to install the client however the client fails to run. I tried launching the client from the command line and got an error about c-runtime (crt0). I have tried installing the VC++ 2015 redistributable, but that fails to install as well.
Is there an older version of the backup client that I could run on this laptop?

So far as I know it does, if said laptop has all updates installed, but I suppose I could be mistaken, I’m just going by what the docs suggest.

Updating Vista to as fully patched as possible is a slow process with many reboots, Microsoft seem to have caused the process to hang checking for updates, among other problems, in my experience. I had to resort to WSUS Offline and some pretty big and tiresome downloads last time I attempted it.

Having said that, prudence on the modern internet suggests upgrading to something that has security support, if the hardware won’t take current Windows, I’d be considering shifting to Linux

The machine is definitely not my primary use machine. It is used to drive a cnc router. I just wanted to capture a backup image of the drive so when the invenitable drive failure occurs I could just pop in a new hard drive and restore the image.

It’s Microsoft’s fault:
Some people have worked around it by copying the DLLs from a machine where the update is able to be installed.

Failing that workaround the built in backup tool in Vista is capable of creating an image backup, which can be restored to a new drive using the recovery options on the setup DVD, or a “rescue DVD” Vista can make. Many stand-alone imaging programs are also available, many of which are also free and still support Vista and some of which are also “free software” usually Linux based in the latter case, Linux based tools (PING, CloneZilla, Others) will happily image Windows 3.11 or Win 95 never mind Vista, no worries about OS support as the OS is bypassed.