Creating of user views fails on btrfs based backup store


I changed our backup store to btrfs. Since then we always get warnings/errors that the user views could not be created.

Error creating folder “/opt/urbackup/GP-iCRM/210511-1422/user_views/nt authority_system” for user at user_views in backup storage of current backup
Error creating user view for user with id 1
Error creating folder “/opt/urbackup/GP-iCRM/210511-1422/user_views/bpacrm_candre” for user at user_views in backup storage of current backup
Error creating user view for user with id 2

I suspect that the server tries to create the folders and links after completing the snapshot, leading to a read only error.

Does anyone have any idea what also could lead to this problem?

Best Regards

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No idea why this is happening, but I have the same issue, also with Btrfs storage. While not helping with a solution, this might point to Btrfs being involved.

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Same here also with btrfs.

Issue still persists and is always repeatable .