I did never use the internet backup function in UrBackup, but now, I would like to try it with one customer.
I have some laptops doing backup only in LAN to my local Urbackup server. Now, some of those computers have to work offsite for a while, and I would like to continue doing backups over internet to my local Urbackup server.
Those computers are out of my LAN rignt now, how could I setup them to do backups over internet but mantanining also the LAN backup configuration to allow them backup when come again to local office?
Thank you
One of two options comes to mind.
Turn on the Internet facing side of UrBackup and map a port to it through your router. This does have the security issue of hoping noone else knows how to break into it.
Or you setup a VPN at home. If the laptop is set to connect to the VPN it can then just backup as usual.
Both options will need you to work out a method to keep track of your home IP Address. Is your ISP supplied IP Address static? If not, sign up to a DDNS service. Ideally one maintained by your router.
Personally I use the second option. I use a VPN to home for other reasons like security. Many home routers have VPN abilities built in. In my case I went with a Raspberry PI device to run the VPN. I have other clients who have the VPN hosted in the router.
By using the VPN option you don’t need to think about if the laptop is doing LAN backup or Internet back as it will still keep the exact same UrBackup system it does now. You also don’t expose your precious backup server to the internet.
Either options we will need to start by working out what kind of router you have available.
To answer your main question:
From the manual: UrBackup - Server administration manual
Turns out the software is clever enough to work out it is the same device.