Computer name in lowercase


Let me explain what I’ll try to do.
I want to share the client file backup directory using samba for each user/client using this section in the smb.conf file.

[urBackup_%u]         comment = urBackup directory %u         browseable = no         read only = yes         guest ok = no         path = /mnt/urbackup/%m         valid users = %u With %u = username and %m = netbios name. ([Samba documentation][1])

Unfortunately samba seems to converts the netbios name to lowercase. urbackup stores the backup using the (original) netbios name. In my case (company) uppercase.

Could urbackup create a directory called “netbios_name” with the simlinks to the computer names in lowercase?

Or maybe some script guru could help me writing a simple cron job to create this directory with these lowercase simlinks?

With kind regards



I found a solution myself. I was not aware of the fact that you are able to define a computername at client side.
See client => settings => client.

Great product!


I was going to propose you going to write a guide to do that client based sharing (because it is a problem others propably have) for me writing that small script :wink:

Hello Uroni

I noticed as soon as I uncheck the “Allow client-side changing of settings” checkbox, the default computer name is taken. So in my case the one with uppercase.

In the status screen I see “two computers” one with upper and one with lower case.

Could this be fixed?


Yes, that is probably a bug in 1.3 that is fixed in 1.4.