Compression or Dedup

This is just a suggestion for an improvement , this software is awesome. It has only one drawback and that is the enormous amount of space it uses for backups. I am sure you have heard of BackupPC , which can compress and do dedup on it’s backups. This entire 60 computers I backup now was 900GB with BackupPC . But unfortunately it does not do IMAGING . So your software wins :smile:

It would be great if in the future there would be plans to add perhaps on the fly compression for file based backups on the server side. Most systems can handle a little bit of compression without problems. And I think there would be an enormous win by compression alone.

Client would transfer files to server normaly
Server puts files anyway into it’s temp folder
Server would compress files in temp folder and store them.

It’s definitely not as simple as I think it is :smile:

Thank you for this nice piece of software.

Never mind, I just solved it :smile:
Since I’m runing this on CentOS 6
Tomorrow I’ll be changing my filesystem from EXT4 to ZFS , which has compression and dedup.

… since I will be deleting the current store… do I need to preserve any file in order to allow the clients to connect to the new empty server ?