Command line "browse" and "restore-start" not working on Ubuntu client

I’m trying to use the commands urbackupclientctl browse and urbackupclientctl restore-start to restore a file backup on my client, but I’m encountering the following errors and I can’t quite figure out the reason why:

> urbackupclientctl browse
No file backup access tokens found. Did you run a file backup yet?
> urbackupclientctl restore-start -b 1
Error starting restore. No file backup access tokens found. Did you run a file backup yet?

The client appears online on the server web interface, and there are already some file backups (both scheduled by the server and executed via urbackupclientctl start).

> urbackupclientctl status
  "capability_bits": 69824,
  "finished_processes": [
      "process_id": 1,
      "success": true
  "internet_connected": true,
  "internet_status": "connected",
  "last_backup_time": 1682078517,
  "running_processes": [],
  "servers": [
      "internet_connection": true,
      "name": "<MY_URBACKUP_SERVER_URL>"
  "time_since_last_lan_connection": 5399950

Is there something I’m missing in either the client or the server? I read the server admin guide but haven’t find anything to fix this…