Ok, call me clueless… Where is the Client Restore Documentation? The features specify that you can restore files form the web interface or from windows explorer, but nothing mentions how to do that and what to look for? In the forum there are a few short comments, but if the system I doing constant file backups and incrementals, how do you restore a previous version? can we have a short Client/Server Restore doco created sometime soon? If someone can explain it to me I’d be happy to create one ad ad it to the document repository.
If you are just looking to restore files:
Web Interface:
Navigate to “Backups”, click on the client you wish to restore, then the Date/Time of the backup you wish to restore from, then click on the folder you need to restore and from there it should be pretty self-explanatory.
Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder that contains your backups, go to the folder that has the name of your client, then each folder in that directory follows the naming convention of “YYMMDD-(time in 24-hr format)” and you can copy the files from there.
Does that adequately answer your question?