Clear all file backups / Delete last file backup

Currently, it is not possible to delete the most recent file backup because UrBackup would have to perform a full backup if the last backup is deleted.
This has the side effect, that it is not possible to clear all file backups, except removing the entire client. That might be inconvenient, e.g. when image backups exists as well:

I’d prefer to be able to delete each and every file backup, even though this implies that the next backup needs to be a full file backup. There could be a hint when pressing delete on the most recent backup about these implications.
At least it would be nice to be able to delete the last backup if only a single backup is present in order to clear all file backups of a client.

Have you considered setting the maximum and minimum file backups to zero and letting the overnight cleanup purge them for you? You will also want Separate settings for this client checked unless you want file backups for all clients deleted.

Setting the maximum and minimum file backups to zero and letting the cleanup purge the backups indeed deletes all file backups. From a user experience perspective I’d rather consider this as a workaround and prefer the simple “Delete” button to be available on every backup.

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