Change send from (email notification)

Hello to all!

Is there a way to change send from name when setting up email notifications? When I do initial test to see if email notifications are ok, I get an email from “UrBackup”, and then when I receive more notifications from various servers with info, error… From is always [UrBackup]. Is there a possibility to change “from name” so I can get more detailed info which server needs to be accessed and checked.

I do understand that I’m using the same email server user name and pass. I wasn’t lazy to create separate emails for each urbackup server, I just thought it wasn’t necessary at the time.

Thank you for your time.

Have you found a way to change Sender Name ?

Heheh, no, noone ever replied :slight_smile:

@markomilutinovic @technotux

Don’t know if this might help or work. I haven’t tried it. Rather than change the Sender Name could you just change the Server Name to the different servers?

On the Settings page, Alerts tab, is the Alert Script. If you click on “Edit Scripts” (presumably this is the default Alert Script), you will see all of the code. On mine, line 94 says:

local subj = “[UrBackup]” … important … params.clientname … “: No recent " … btype … " backup”

Perhaps searching for and changing all instances of [UrBackup] to a name of the server you can relate to and test it out?

Again, I’ve not tried this, but it does look feasible/possible. However, it does not change the “Sender address” but rather the “Subject line”.

If you do try, perhaps let us know if it works!

But perhaps this may provide some insight that may help you in the long run.

Thank you sooo much! I will give it a try

Looks like that script is only for truly ALERT information (backup status ok, not ok). My guess is you’d have to code your own script with it’s own triggers. I don’t know if said scripted new alert could be triggered to give the information you receive from the standard Success e-mail notifications and on a schedule from that Alerts tab.

That is well beyond my capabilities. Sorry!

Well, I did find where you can alter the subject line on regular status e-mail notifications.

On the Logs page, scroll all the way to the bottom. In the Reports section, at the bottom of that box, is an “Edit Report Script”. In that script, line 1 is:

local subj = "UrBackup: "

You should be able to change that to whatever you want to uniquely identify your servers. I just tested this on my server. The regular e-mail notification came to me with the changed subject line. Hope this helps solve your problem!

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That is a great solution, i don’t need to change from address, it’s ok as long as i can identify the servers via subject and organize logs into groups and labels with gmail etc. So thank you this solution is actually perfect and usable.

Thank you once again

Please mark as solution to help others that may have a need. Glad I could help.