CBT for large files

I try to backup some large files (2x 350Gbyte) over the internet (Windows client/Windows server).
Now the backup failed, because the server went offline (because the internet provider resets the line every night for some seconds, no changing IP).
Why I get:
Error saving metadata. Stat data checksum wrong.
Backup failed.
Is Urbackup starting again after the line is up again?
If I start it manually, the client is indexing again for hours.

Thank you for help.

It does reconnect for a while and does reuse data from the interrupted backup (resumed file backup). CBT for file backups is not implemented yet, however, so it does reread the whole file to recalculate its hash, if it changed.

Thank you for the fast answer.
But I am right, if it has an older file, Urbackup doesn’t transfer the new file over the Internet, only the changed parts?

Yes, if it uses the “block differences - hashed” transfer mode (which it does per default for internet transfers).