Catastrophic Backup

I’m looking to set up a Synology NAS running UrBackup in my home. Incremental and full backups would be stored to the NAS for recovery. However unlikely - I’d like to cover the possibility of a catastrophe (such as a fire) where the NAS is destroyed. I don’t need ‘up to the minute’ recovery, but I’d like to be able to do a bare metal restore no older than the last full backup for each of the PCs in my house. Is it possible to either save occasional backups to a web storage location? Alternately (maybe preferrably) I could script a file copy once a week or so (if the file would stand alone and enable recovery). Is there a way to do this?

If this has been addressed elsewhere, please excuse the duplication. I’d appreciate a reference to where I can find this Use Case discussed.

This question really deals with the difference between backup and archiving in my view. I’ve always taken the approach that disaster recovery requires archiving where backups are more a day to day business mitigation. That said, the Synology NAS has a few packages available for different cloud vendors, including Amazon’s Glacier. I believe there is also an Azure module in the wild for using their blob storage. Lastly I remember recently Google has also entered the long / medium term storage market with competitive pricing so you may have a number of options available to you.

Although dated, here is a Glacier / Syno video: