Cannot rename or delete clients from urbackup

I have a PC for example named “FirstComputer”. That computer has a urbackup client installed. Everything works, i can see the FirstComputer in my web gui.

Now the computer has to be renamed to SecondComputer. Everything is okay, in AD, pc…everywhere it shows new name.
But NOT in urbackup. Why?

If i delete the client from the web gui to reinstall it with a new name. Then in a couple of days the old name reappears. How can change computer name easily with urbackup also showing the new client name?
And how to stop these deleted compuers reappear???
Ive read documentation and theres no info about that.

Nobody knows the answer?
I mean, nobody in the community haven’t needed to rename or delete clients from gui?

I’ve had similar experience with linux client. I had to
(1) delete the client from the web gui.
(2) use the delete script in the linux client.
(3) reboot server and client
(4) rename client
(5) reboot client and reinstall client urbackup client software.

Where can i find this “delete script” ? Im using windows

I was referring to the linux client and it’s actual name is “uninstall_urbackupclient” and it lives in /usr/local/sbin.
HOWEVER, the Windows version is called uninstall.exe and lives in Program Files and SHOULD be executed when you do an uninstall from control panel-> add/remove programs (or whatever they call it).
BUT… my experience has been that the C:\Users folder which contains the username that was active when I installed the windows client…contains a folder called AppData wherein are some “local” stuff related to urbackup and that the uninstall.exe doesn’t remove all.
I suspect so as to be useful for a future reinstall?
Clearing out urbackup related stuff from here AND then rebooting… - with the proviso that you have done the web-gui server remove of client SHOULD be enough.

One other thing comes to mind…if you are using DHCP to allocate the IP for the windows client - are you getting a NEW(different) IP for this new-name client?
AND - when you say “new name” do you mean the Host Name associated with the IP address. I ask coz, as I recall, doze used to have a “windows machine name” associated with SMB as well as a host name associated with IP.

Just a thought.

Thanks, im going to try your suggestions this week and gonna give a feedback how it goes

Looks like this thing is just not working.
Had a machine named: “PCNEW”. Wanted to rename it to “PCOLD” and also the new name should show on urbackup

  1. Deleted client from web gui (showing This PCNEW client is going to be removed. Stop removing client. Clients are removed during the cleanup in the cleanup time window.)
  2. Uninstalled ubackup from uninstall programs
  3. Restarted both server and client
  4. Renamed client from “PCNEW” → to “PCOLD”
  5. Restarted client machine
  6. Reinstalled urbackup

Then my “PCOLD” showed up in urbacup web gui. But was showing offline.
Then i went into client machine urbackup tray → there was client name the old one “PCNEW”. Then i renamed it from PCNEW to PCOLD.
Restarted machine.
And now my PCOLD is gone from web gui. It is “going to be removed” (look step 1). Now i see
This client PCOLD is going to be removed. Stop removing client. Clients are removed during the cleanup in the cleanup time window.

So something is hardly holding on the pc name or something, cant get rid of it…
Don’t really know why uninstall doesnt work as it should.

Unsure about the “stop removing client” statement. Do you mean you wanted to stop the removal OR that you got a message saying that?
The “cleanup” process can be invoked manually on the server and you can review it’s logs to see what (if any) problems it has/had.
Alternatively - I ask - what makes you think the PCOLD;s data is gone/remaining? AND, if the data belonging to PCOLD is now visible via the PCNEW name - isn’t that what you wanted?
Sorry - I am confused.
Apologies for delay in reply - had to have small heart op. Fine now (with new bits)

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