I have a working UrBackup server that backup correctly about 15 pc (Operating System: XP, WinS 2003, WinS 2008).
The type of backup is Image Backup.
I cannot backup only one pc with operating system Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600).
When i try to backup the client, i got this error:
Info 17.06.14 11:10 Starting full image backup…
Info 17.06.14 11:10 Request of SYSVOL failed. Reason: Opening filesystem on device failed. Stopping… This probably just means the Computer does not have a “System restore” volume which UrBackup can backup.
Info 17.06.14 11:10 Transferred 32.0869 KB - Average speed: 262.856 MBit/s
Errors 17.06.14 11:15 Error on client occured: Error while reading from shadow copy device -1
Info 17.06.14 11:15 Time taken for creating image of client ********: 5m 22s
Errors 17.06.14 11:15 Backup failed
The client have the System Restore correctly enabled, and there are no errors on filesystem ( i have executed chkdsk)
Also, I have another client, with the same hardware and operating system of this machine, that is backupped correctly.
Sorry, i need an info for debug mode! If i put the client in debug mode, i also have to restart the server?Reading the administration manual it seems like this.
I cannot execute the chkdsk /B now becouse the volume is mounted and i cannot stop the server… If i run a chkdsk without parameters, only for check the filesystem, i got :
There are 4KB of data damaged but there is no error on filesystem
Some week ago i execute a chkdks /f /r (find and repair), so i think chkdsk cannot solve the problem.
Chkdsk is only doing a perfunctory test per default and will not look at each sector. I think with the flag it would look at it. Since UrBackup only backs up used sectors there should perhaps not be an error then (If this was the reason for the error).
Anyway I guess there are tools to test, if all sectors on a hard disk are readble. If a sector is indeed unreadable I would RMA/through away the hard disk.