Can you start a complete full image backup (Windows)?

Hi there,

I was wondering if there’s a way for Urbackup to make a new full image backup set? Every time I order the urbackup server to make a full image backup of a server it persists in creating a incremental backup based on the last backup and then taking the data from the last full backup and merging the incremental and full backups together to make a ‘new’ full backup.

I have a potential problem with the last full backup though, and even though Urbackup doesn’t seem to mind, when I try to mount the (incremental or full) backup for this disk, it craps out with some NTFS error. Only for this disk. chkdsk says all is fine on the disk though. As such I want to create a completely new backup for this disk. And I know I can force this by removing all the backups for this disk, but i’d rather not remove all the history.

In case anyone is wondering. the mount error i’m getting is:

Loading FUSE kernel module...
Starting VHD background process...
Waiting for background process to become available...
Corrupt attribute list entry in MFT record 9
Failed to open $Secure: Input/output error
Failed to mount '/dev/loop0': Input/output error
NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a
SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows
then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very
important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate
it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.
/dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation
for more details.
Mounting failed.

To be clear, Urbackup is making image backups of the disk just fine. I have not tried to restore the disk yet (as its a 1 TB volume). but I’d like to build a new backup set and when complete remove the old backup set.

Use “virtual sub client names”.

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Perfect! Thats exactly what I needed. Didn’t even know such functionality was added :slight_smile:

For those wanting to know for future reference. What you do is create a virtual sub client, or alias for your client. Making it start a new backup set.
You do this by going in the Urbackup Server to Settings
→ Use the down list for Clients to the client you wish to make a new backup set for:
→ In the Tab Client, use the option “Additional virtual sub client names” and set a new name for the client and hit Save.

The new virtual client will appear in the client drop down list and you can select it’s own specific settings for this client. The new virtual client will also appear in the Status screen as a client within a few minutes.

I’m glad you came up with a solution. I’m not quite following what you mean by a “new backup set”. I think what you mean is: same client, just new sets of backups – keeping the old in place. Is that what you mean? How is the new and old backup sets referenced in UrBackup though. Is the client the “root” or the hierarchy and the sub-client a “branch” of that hierarchy? Or is the new and old backup sets on the same “level”.

I’m not doing the best job of explaining myself here. Just trying to clearly understand how this would be helpful for my clients.

I can move this to a PM if necessary.

With a new backup set I mean to create a new set of backups for the same client yes.

The new backup set is now available as ClientX[subclient] in both the status page and on the disk. I’m able to access it directly from the storage. As for storage location, the sub client is on the same level als the orginal/parent client. in my case /share/Backups/ClientX[subclient] just like /share/Backups/ClientX

As far as I understand it (and I could be wrong as I only learned of this yesterday), i’m creating two seperate backup sets for the same client now. And I can specify different settings, backup retention, and backup schedules for the client