Backupdisk full but statistics shows less

Hi there,

my Backupdisk shows via df -h this:
Dateisystem Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
/dev/mapper/vgUrbackup-lvUrbackup 700G 682G 19G 98% /mnt/UrBackup
If you see, the disk is very full.

If I take a look in the statistics on the webinterface, there are only 400GB for backups using. Where are the other 282GB?

Can someone explain to me, why the disk is nearly full?

We can only guess, filesystem issue? Snapshots if you’re using btrfs? Something else?
You could try running remove-unknown in case it’s files that UrBackup doesn’t know about that shouldn’t be there…

Maybe you have some file that the webinterface doesn’t see. Check manually for them, if u find some old file, delete 'em manually.