Backup urBackup Backups :)

Hello, i have a urBackup server with around 30 clients and wanted to make a weakly backup to a external HDD. How can i save a Full file and Image backup without being worried if are just parcial or full backups that i am copying or not.

Short answer, you can’t.
But if you do a few things, it’s probably doable for you.

  1. you need to make sure no backups will run while you backup your backups (if you want all of them to be backed up)
  2. You have to figure out if it’s only the data in the backups or if you also want to backup your urbackup database and settings too.
  3. Figure out HOW you want to backup your backups. This depends on what system you use. Maybe raid is the best solution, maybe you can use partclone if you have btrfs (or btrfs send/receive), maybe you just want to copy the files straight up (probably not). It all depends on what system you run on.

This can be a manual operation as is only once a week, but none of those changes gives me a solution. The problem i have is what subfolders i have to backup in order to assure a full backups is copied to external HDD, what i cannot do easily. I can copy half of each station folder and all is there but still copy allot of unnecessary repeated data. It is a shame urbackup dont offer this solution.

What are you talking about? I gave you the EXACT way for you to get to a solution, but maybe you don’t understand it.

Your response seems to indicate you do not understand how urbackup works.
My suggestion is to learn that first (start with reading the admin manual on the urbackup homepage), that will teach you why what you are asking for is NOT a simple thing to achieve.

You can check out some combo. I mean you can use restic, Kopia or SyncBack to perform backup of backup folder. These software use snapshots and VSS on Windows, it will prevent interruption or issues if perform operation while you doing backups in your 1st location. Or you can schedule window for second location backup and use something like this (just example to think about):

ionice -c3 rsync -av --delete /source_directory /external_drive/mount_point

Thank you, i will try seems a valid solution.