Backup storage path: NOT being respected

this file keeps getting overwriten with just /backups

my docker-compose.yml
version: ‘2’

image: uroni/urbackup-server:latest
container_name: urbackup
restart: unless-stopped
- PUID=1001 # Enter the UID of the user who should own the files here
- PGID=1001 # Enter the GID of the user who should own the files here
- TZ=America/Los_angeles # Enter your timezone
- /raid/urbackup/database:/var/urbackup
- /raid/urbackup/backups:/raid/urbackup/backups
# Uncomment the next line if you want to bind-mount the www-folder
#- /path/to/wwwfolder:/usr/share/urbackup
network_mode: “host”
# Activate the following two lines for BTRFS support


Bug/issue with docker is the hard/soft links are absolute from /backups/pcname/backupdata/link

so if you try to access the backups from outside of the docker /raid/urbackup/backups/pcname/backupdate/link the link is broken.

i have btrfs working now but the backups log shows that /backups/pcname could not be found and the file backups fail … the image backups are working ok.

|Errors|02/17/20 14:18|Error creating empty file subvolume. "ERROR: cannot access ‘/backups/JesusMartinez-PC’: No such file or directory|
|Errors|02/17/20 14:18|Cannot create directory /raid/urbackup/backups/JesusMartinez-PC/200217-2218 for backup (server error). ERROR: cannot access ‘/backups/JesusMartinez-PC’: No such file or directory|
|Errors|02/17/20 14:18|Backup failed|