Backup status new fields needed

Hi Martin,

It would be interesting to have in Status Menu :

a field that give the information on the registered Clients : OS + Version

and my be another which would give the backup plan of each Client : on a mouseover event … as Overlaying Text

Thus, it would be easier to manage all the clients connecting to the server

and more precisly ::

a field that give the information on the registered Clients : OS-Version + UrBackupClient-Version

Hi Martin,

thanks a lot for the fiels in server 1.3, it 's great !!

is it possible to have :

-a comments field near the client : on the main board
because i use the urbackup manager to supervise my network, and organise my goals.
(may be an sqllite db for those needs … you know better)

-the backup plan of each client, with the paths, in the main board

-the possibility to archives the old messages, errors, warnings and activities and the possibility to read them incase …