Backup Server with Clientsoftware installed

Hi, i wanted to backup the Server itself, therefore i installed the UrBackup client software on it, now the UrBackup Server Service is gone.


  1. Best way to get Server back to run correctly
  2. Isn’t it possible to backup the Server itself with the client software installed? I want to backup only Servers System Drive, the UrBackup storing folder is located on another drive.

BTW: This is the 2000th post of this forum ;-)

I see. The Client removes the Service, if you install the Client with the .exe installer and the server with the .msi installer. I think I added that for backward compatibility. You should be able to install the server with the .exe installer. If you use the same kind of installer for both there shouldn’t be any problems. I’ll remove the backward combatibility thing now.

Hi, thanks a lot. I’ve installed the Server exe version over the Server msi version, Backup Server is running now as good as usual and Client Software is also running on the same machine.
UrBackup is the backup solution of which I have dreamed the whole time.