First time I am using Ur backup on windows with LAN network topology, we are trying to copy data from different user simultaneously or individually. The copy process is taking too much time,can anyone help me how to speedup this process.
- External Hard disk is connected for backup via USB cable 3.0
- 100 mbps switches are connected between server and clients.
Hello Asif,
I take it you are aware that 100mpbs switch ports have a maximum throughput of around 12 mb/sec? (100 mbit / 8 is about 12.5 Mb/sec). So yes, at that speed it will backup at a maximum of around 720 Mb per minute, or for example if you are talking about backing up 30 Gb of data, it will take around 43 minutes, just for the raw data transfer.
You could try a backup through a “internet” server, it has the option to compress the data transfer, that might speed things up a little bit?
Or are you referring to something else that’s too slow?
Swap out the 100mbps switches for Gigabit. I get local client speeds upwards of 800mb. (I actually have to limit it to 800 so as not to hog all the bandwidth)
Thank you for your email. I set max backup speed for local network 800 mbit/s from server under setting and client, but its still some and not upward.
Hello Asif,
Changing the speed in UrBackup server isnt’t going to work. Youll need faster network throughput. A 100 mbit switch is what is holding you back. It can never transfer data faster then 12 mbit. Youll need gigabit network cards in you client and server and a gigabit switch to reach higher speeds.
Hi dear,
Thank you for your reply, now i connected client and server to gigabit switch. But problem still some.
In addition kindly conform me, if i backup 100 GB folder how long it will take to complete and what is maximum transfer rate on gigabit.
Hello Asif,
At gigabit speeds, assuming both the server and client are connected through a 1 Gbps connection, and there are no other limiting factors, such as other load on the network or that the server and client’s CPU are having trouble with the backups you should be able to reach speeds of around 110 Mb/sec. (again this is assuming the the external HDD you connected through USB3 can write at that speed).
At about 110 Mb/sec, you are looking at 15.5 minutes before 100 GB of data is transferred.
This is the most optimal case however, and doesn’t take anything into consideration, like hashing, compression, encryption, intermittent load on the server or client or anything else that can create a slowdown on your backup process.
Thank you for this brief reply, now I understand…