Backup failed due to verification failed

I’m trying to implement URBackup to backup network client machines to a local file server. The server is setup on a Windows 2008 R2 machine. The clients are Windows 10 (used to be W7.) I’m experimenting on my machine which is running Win 10 Pro and is a member of the domain. I did a test backup of just one small directory and it was successful. That backup gave me no errors. Then I added the c:\Users directory and let it automatically backup over the weekend. That backup gave me many hash verification errors. I’m wondering if this is something I should be worried about? One of the errors is:

Hashes for “F:\Backup\urb\Ken-PC\160606-1022\users\Default\NTUSER.DAT{1c72b12f-01a6-11e6-84d0-88aac0623396}.TMContainer00000000000000000002.regtrans-ms” differ. Verification failed.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Ken Long
Mesa Equipment & Supply Co.

Hi, I do. have exactly the Same Problem.

I do run a Server Version 2.0.38 On a Windows 10 System trying to Backup another Windows 10 System.

I do. geht this Kind of error Messages:
Hashes for “D:\urbackup\Jana-THINK\170206-1829\Documents\20161127_155458.jpg” differ. Verification failed.

I Tried to Disable Debug End-2-End verrification but without success.

Does anybody have a Clue?

Thx a lot, Ralf