Backup directory size on disk reported in Ubuntu vs. Windows

I am very new to UrBackup and I’m not sure how it works. I noticed something while testing it that confused me.

For the test:

  • I had a folder in Windows (client) with 10MB of files in it. I did a backup of that folder to the server (Ubuntu).
  • I added a couple more files to what was already in there and it became 13MB. I did another backup of that folder.
  • Then I ended up doing a third backup of that folder even though I didn’t change anything.

On the server computer (Unbunu, NTFS hard drive for backup) I opened the directory where the backups are stored. When I checked the size of the folder that contained the three backups, it only reported the size of that folder as 13MB even though there were three folders in there, the first should have 10MB and the second and third should have 13MB each. But Ubuntu is reporting this entire collection as just 13MB.

I took the backup hard drive out of the Ubuntu server computer and put it into a Windows computer and navigated to the same directory that holds the three backups. Here Windows reports the size of the backup directory as 36MB, i.e. 10MB + 13MB + 13MB corresponding to each folder instance.

How is each OS reporting this differently?

My concern: is Ubuntu under-reporting or is Windows over-reporting? What happens if the drive gets nearly full? If Ubuntu is “under reporting” then will it run out of space even though the OS reports a number lower than the capacity?

I’m assuming that Ubuntu isn’t counting duplicate files in the tally. So if I have a 3TB drive and I had a 1TB file in there three times essentially filling the drive up, would Ubuntu actually think there are 2TB free?

This is somewhat concerning because I would like to use the same hard drive to save other stuff on as well (without making a separate partition, just using a separate directory). How will I truly know how much free space I have to work with?

So far I’m enjoying UrBackup, but it might be a little over my head. :worried:

I believe this may be the answer:

Ahhh, thank you! That article seems to be a great explanation.

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