Backup condition

Hi all,
is there a way to make the backup not running if the client can ping the server, but is out of a specific IP range ?
For example, only backup if the IP is 192.168.1.x OR 192.168.2.x (and not if IP is 192.168.4.x even if client can ping the server).

Can you elaborate on the scenario you are trying to pursue?

I don’t see any application native way to handle this, but depending on what your circumstances are, there may be an alternative approach available.


Hard because i’m french and don’t speak very well EN

We have a lot of “companies” who can see each others on lan. So my backup server is reachable from every ip range of these companies, and the job backup can from any of these and overpower the bandwidth
So i’d like to setup my laptop clients to be able to backup ONLY if they are on the range of the Company “A” 192.168.1.x (for example).

Okay, I think I understand what you are trying to do.

Here’s what I can see in the manual, and in my testing:

If each backup server is on the same subnet as the clients it needs to backup, and no other clients are on that same subnet, you should not have to do anything to get the results you want. (e.g. Server on 192.168.1.x and good clients on 192.168.1.x and other clients on 192.168.A.x, where ‘A’ is not 1)

If each backup server is on a different subnet from the clients it needs to backup, then you will need to go to the server interface and manually enter the names or IPs of the clients you want to reach, so that they can respond directly to the server. (e.g. Server on 192.168.1.x and good clients on 192.168.2.x or anywhere else)

The tricky part comes into play if there are any clients on the SAME subnet of a backup server, but you don’t want them backed up by that backup server, and they are not already going to some backup server. There doesn’t seem to be a native way to exclude IPs or names or subnets from being backed up automatically.

Such a situation may require you to setup your backup structure a little differently.

By the way, I want to be clear that the automatic backups, in my testing, come into play when the backup server is on the exact same network + subnet as the clients. Just being reachable is not the same thing. If the server is on and can reach by way of a router, the clients on x.x.2.0 are not going to automatically start backing up to that server.

So the issues are only when the exact same LAN is used, not just when a LAN is reachable.

Hope this helps. (And I hope it translates well.)



D’accord, je pense que je comprends ce que vous essayez de faire.

Voici ce que je peux voir dans le manuel et dans mes tests:

Si chaque serveur de sauvegarde se trouve sur le mĂȘme sous-rĂ©seau que les clients Ă  sauvegarder et qu’aucun autre client ne se trouve sur ce mĂȘme sous-rĂ©seau, vous ne devriez rien faire pour obtenir les rĂ©sultats souhaitĂ©s. (par exemple, Serveur sur 192.168.1.x et bons clients sur 192.168.1.x et autres clients sur 192.168.A.x, oĂč ‘A’ n’est pas 1)

Si chaque serveur de sauvegarde se trouve sur un sous-rĂ©seau diffĂ©rent des clients qu’il doit sauvegarder, vous devrez alors accĂ©der Ă  l’interface du serveur et saisir manuellement les noms ou adresses IP des clients que vous souhaitez atteindre, afin qu’ils puissent rĂ©pondre directement au serveur. (par exemple, Serveur sur 192.168.1.x et bons clients sur 192.168.2.x ou n’importe oĂč ailleurs)

La partie dĂ©licate entre en jeu s’il y a des clients sur le MÊME sous-rĂ©seau d’un serveur de sauvegarde, mais que vous ne voulez pas qu’ils soient sauvegardĂ©s par ce serveur de sauvegarde, et ils ne vont pas dĂ©jĂ  vers un serveur de sauvegarde. Il ne semble pas y avoir de moyen natif d’exclure automatiquement les adresses IP, les noms ou les sous-rĂ©seaux de la sauvegarde.

Une telle situation peut vous obliger à configurer votre structure de sauvegarde un peu différemment.

En passant, je veux ĂȘtre clair que les sauvegardes automatiques, dans mes tests, entrent en jeu lorsque le serveur de sauvegarde est exactement sur le mĂȘme rĂ©seau + sous-rĂ©seau que les clients. Être joignable n’est pas la mĂȘme chose. Si le serveur est sur et peut atteindre via un routeur, les clients sur x.x.2.0 ne commenceront pas automatiquement la sauvegarde sur ce serveur.

Ainsi, les problĂšmes ne se posent que lorsque le mĂȘme rĂ©seau local est utilisĂ©, pas seulement lorsqu’un rĂ©seau local est accessible.

J’espùre que cela t’aides. (Et j’espùre que cela se traduit bien.)

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By the way, I would like this feature too, despite what I wrote earlier. :slight_smile:

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Think that you are right about there being an automatic backup for machines on the same subnet, but there are two options that I can think of for both scenarios

  1. Block access from other subnet:
    Use your firewall/s to block traffic on ports 55414 and 55415 so they can’t send the data, for the required networks you don’t want to back up

  2. Stop automatic backups, regardless of subnet:
    Create groups for the desired backup strategies you wish (or have resold to the other subnets) and set the default group to be disabled for file and image backups
then, even if the client is in the same subnet, until it is put into a configured group, no backups can happen