Backup and restore Samba ACLs


my tests with UrBackup continue… this time we’re trying to backup a Samba repository with its ACLs.

According to this post --> Restore acl properties the ACLs should be saved, but how can I verify that? When I access the backup repository via SSH all files and directories seem owned by user and group urbackup…

Create various files, with various permissions, owerships, acl
Eventually make a script to be able to repeat that and publish to github
Find a tool that can show acl in commandline, dump acl to text file
Delete files
Restore with urbackup
Dump restored files acl to text file
Make a diff of the 2 text files.

So you are saying that the file level backups (full and incremental) that UrBackup backs up the files to (the repository) does not show the same ACL attributes in these repository locations as the correlated production locations where UrBackup gets these backed up files from on the clients?

I just want to be sure you are clear with your findings so if this is what you see, please confirm or else clarify with more detail so it’s clear BEFORE, REPOSITORY, and AFTER (perhaps a small test restore)?

That like on that post is very vague without much detail so it’s not real clear. Sure you could script it all out but since the post suggest that these attributes can be backed up and restored, understanding any specific backup and restore options, parameters, etc. would be nice.

Well it’s normal acl don’t show properly.
Because stuff like local users that exist on client may not exists on the urbackup sever.
And because the filsystem and os that urbackup sever and client run may be different, the acl are stored in some file (i think it s in a .hash file, too lazy to check).

For example :
Urbackup can backup file owned by root and www-data that uses extended attribues , stored on an ext4 partition with from an ubuntu os client. And store that on a windows server on an ntfs partition, the users as well as the xtended attributes wouldnt exists there.

What would not be normal is that the original files and the restored ones have different acl, ownership, metadata, whatever.

i created this to check for restored metadata on linux

Good point and all that definitely makes sense. I don’t mess too much with ext4 or other Linux file systems ACL metadata myself, but I’m certainly interesting in understanding if this works for NTFS file system.

I looked over some UrBackup server file backup locations and perhaps it’s the file per each folder or something. I quickly checked the online manual for correlated detail but didn’t find much.

If you have any pointers for any official documentation that goes over these features and functions, or perhaps a developer log notes, etc. please let me know. If I find anything definitive on the topic, I will post back for others to have the information.

Nice tool for testing ACL with test restore scripts. I’m sure many will put it to good use. I’m personally more interesting in understanding the documentation of the added functionality. I looked over the and don’t see much there.

I’m sure I could dig thru the source and figure it out but I wasn’t sure if there were some notes of something on this that could be shared—perhaps it’s all in code comments from the source.

I’m an open source newbie so maybe I just need to wait for the manual to be updated or work with it undocumented if I want to use at the moment.

It has an internal access permission mapping for the “Access backups” functionality (so a user only sees the files they can access). Then it also backups and restores as much as possible. Windows has a nice backup and restore api which takes care of ACLs/etc. so it is easier (and more likely to be bug free) there.

The metadata (incl. ACLs) is stored in the files in the .hashes directory (hashes for historical reasons).



I made some improvements to the test script until i could capture problems i already saw. READ | grep -B2 KO
test 14 file hardlink
KO 1 hrdlink != 3

test 19 character device
OK type is good : c
KO major 8 != 3
KO minor 1 != 2

These 2 things are easy to reproduce, the hardlink are losts when doing a restore and the special device are lost , they have the wrong major/minor numbers.

3rd thing
apparently setuid bit are lost, but is already reported as abug

4rd thing
On the prod i got at least one server with some metadata issue
UrBackup Client Controller v2.1.15.0
UrBackup server 2.1.19

I pressed restore between each try
At “TRY D”, just restoring once more, overwriting existing files changed the permissions
I have the logs in debug and tried to find errors in them, but this far no luck.
The test script i wrote will backup/restore fine on this server, so i dont understand this behavior

Reference files
[15:43:06] - ~> ls -lhd /srv/vhosts/website.bak2/*
drwxr-x— 2 website website 4.0K Sep 23 2015 /srv/vhosts/website.bak2/cgi-bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 website website 4.0K Sep 23 2015 /srv/vhosts/website.bak2/homes
drwxr-x— 2 website website 4.0K Oct 15 06:25 /srv/vhosts/website.bak2/logs
drwxr-xr-x 5 website website 4.0K Mar 14 2017 /srv/vhosts/website.bak2/public_html

[15:40:28] - ~> ls -lhd /srv/vhosts/website.bak/*
drwxr-x— 2 website website 4.0K Sep 23 2015 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/cgi-bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 website website 4.0K Sep 23 2015 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/homes
drwxr-x— 2 website website 4.0K Oct 15 06:25 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/logs
drwxr-x— 5 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:17 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/public_html

[15:40:30] - ~> ls -lhd /srv/vhosts/website.bak/*
drwxr-x— 2 website website 4.0K Sep 23 2015 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/cgi-bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 website website 4.0K Sep 23 2015 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/homes
drwxr-x— 2 website website 4.0K Oct 15 06:25 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/logs
drwxr-x— 5 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:17 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/public_html

[15:40:33] - ~> rm -rf /srv/vhosts/website.bak/*
[15:40:44] - ~> ls -lhd /srv/vhosts/website.bak/*
drwxr-x— 2 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:40 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/cgi-bin
drwxr-x— 2 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:40 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/homes
drwxr-x— 2 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:40 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/logs
drwxr-x— 3 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:40 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/public_html

[15:41:01] - ~> ls -lhd /srv/vhosts/website.bak/*
drwxr-x— 2 website website 4.0K Sep 23 2015 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/cgi-bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 website website 4.0K Sep 23 2015 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/homes
drwxr-x— 2 website website 4.0K Oct 15 06:25 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/logs
drwxr-x— 5 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:17 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/public_html

[15:41:45] - ~> rm -rf /srv/vhosts/website.bak
[15:41:52] - ~> ls -lhd /srv/vhosts/website.bak/*
drwxr-x— 2 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:42 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/cgi-bin
drwxr-x— 2 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:42 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/homes
drwxr-x— 2 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:42 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/logs
drwxr-x— 3 root root 4.0K Oct 17 15:42 /srv/vhosts/website.bak/public_html

Thanks for the tests!

Ok, will be fixed.

I don’t get what the problem is, sorry.

original files are owned by website

try c : i delete files, i restore once, they are owned by root

in the meantime i make no new backup or dont touch anything

try d : i restore again over the files of “try c”, they are owned by website (urbackup had that correct this time), except one folder , still owned by root

Client logfiles would be appreciated even if you think they do not contain any relevant info

OK, i added enough test so that i could reproduce on my computer.
That test is 2 loop
The first create a folders named using the users in /etc/passwd, owned by the user
The second loop create one file per user, owned and named using that user in each folders created before
So it s like 2500 file for 50 users

Files and folders ends up being owned by root

logs look like:

2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received data…
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Sending meta data of b8PaHlKW1O9nYy5lAhaW|filetests/test45/uucp metadata_id=111565
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Mapped name: /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received data…
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Sending meta data of b8PaHlKW1O9nYy5lAhaW|filetests/test45/uuidd metadata_id=111632
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Mapped name: /tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Received flush.

2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Sending file (chunked) b8PaHlKW1O9nYy5lAhaW|filetests/test45/uucp/whoopsie
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Mapped name: /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/whoopsie
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Closing file /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/uuidd
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Retaining file /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/whoopsie
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Received flush.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received data…
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Sending file (chunked) b8PaHlKW1O9nYy5lAhaW|filetests/test45/uucp/www-data
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Mapped name: /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/www-data
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Closing file /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/whoopsie
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Retaining file /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/www-data
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Received flush.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received data…
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Sending file (chunked) b8PaHlKW1O9nYy5lAhaW|filetests/test45/uucp/zabbix
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Mapped name: /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/zabbix
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Closing file /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/www-data
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Retaining file /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/zabbix
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Received flush.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received data…
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Sending file (chunked) b8PaHlKW1O9nYy5lAhaW|filetests/test45/uuidd/_apt
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Mapped name: /tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/_apt
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Closing file /tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/zabbix
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Retaining file /tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/_apt
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Received flush.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received data…
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Sending file (chunked) b8PaHlKW1O9nYy5lAhaW|filetests/test45/uuidd/avahi
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Mapped name: /tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/avahi
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Closing file /tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/_apt
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Retaining file /tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/avahi
2017-10-18 11:53:30: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2017-10-18 11:53:30: Received flush.

2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/test”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/tomcat7”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/usbmux”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/uucp”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/uuidd”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/whoopsie”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/www-data”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/zabbix”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/_apt”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/avahi”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/backup”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/bareos”…
2017-10-18 11:54:05: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test45/uuidd/bin”…

2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/usbmux/test”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/usbmux/tomcat7”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/usbmux/usbmux”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/usbmux/uucp”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/usbmux/uuidd”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/usbmux/whoopsie”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/usbmux/www-data”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/usbmux/zabbix”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “d/tmp/filetests/test45/usbmux”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/_apt”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/avahi”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/backup”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/bareos”
2017-10-18 11:54:06: Applying metadata of file “f/tmp/filetests/test45/uucp/bin”


Last log is when i tried to restore over an already restored file

2017-10-18 12:08:40: done. (Waiting for pings)
2017-10-18 12:08:40: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2017-10-18 12:08:40: ClientService cmd: STATUS DETAIL#pw=qqq
2017-10-18 12:08:40: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2017-10-18 12:08:40: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2017-10-18 12:08:40: ClientService cmd: #xxx#FILE RESTORE client_token=zzz/jjj&server_token=yyy&id=59&status_id=29415&log_id=29530&restore_token=nnn&restore_path=filetests%2F&single_file=0&clean_other=1&ignore_other_fs=1&restore_flags=0&tgroup=0&clientsubname=
2017-10-18 12:08:40: Starting restore…
2017-10-18 12:08:40: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2017-10-18 12:08:40: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2017-10-18 12:08:40: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2017-10-18 12:08:40: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2017-10-18 12:08:40: ClientService cmd: #xxx#1CHANNEL capa=53723&token=yyy&restore_version=1&virtual_client=
2017-10-18 12:08:40: New channel: Number of Channels: 1
2017-10-18 12:08:40: Loading file list…
2017-10-18 12:08:40: Flushing FileClient…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Calculating download size…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2017-10-18 12:08:41: ClientService cmd: #xxx#1CHANNEL capa=53723&token=yyy&restore_version=1&virtual_client=
2017-10-18 12:08:41: New channel: Number of Channels: 1
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Flushing FileClient…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Downloading necessary file data…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2017-10-18 12:08:41: ClientService cmd: #xxx#1CHANNEL capa=53723&token=yyy&restore_version=1&virtual_client=
2017-10-18 12:08:41: New channel: Number of Channels: 1
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test1”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test10”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Flushing FileClient…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test11”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test12”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test14”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test16”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test18”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test19”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test20”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test20_hlink1”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test20_hlink2”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test21”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test21_slink1”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test23”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test25”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test26”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test27”…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: ERROR: Cannot truncate file “/tmp/filetests/test27” to zero bytes. Invalid argument (code: 22)
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Flushing FileClient…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Restore failed.
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Server timeout (2) in FileClient
2017-10-18 12:08:41: FileClient: ERR_TIMEOUT
2017-10-18 12:08:41: Applying file metadata…
2017-10-18 12:08:41: ClientService cmd: STATUS DETAIL#pw=qqq
2017-10-18 12:08:41: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
root@ppp~# ls -lh /tmp/filetests/test27
brw-r–r-- 1 root root 8, 1 oct. 18 11:46 /tmp/filetests/test27

Tried to get a client crash for the sparse file thing from another post… got a client crash on the special filename test

0-1508417871-Waiting for file transfers…
0-1508417871-Waiting for file hashing and copying threads…
0-1508417872-Saving file metadata…
0-1508417874-Writing new file list…
0-1508417875-All metadata was present
0-1508417875-Number of re-added file entries is 14737
0-1508417878-Transferred 13.1345 MB - Average speed: 1.31381 MBit/s
0-1508417878-(Before compression: 57.8914 MB ratio: 4.40757)
0-1508417878-38.7974 MB of files were already present on the server and did not need to be transferred
0-1508417886-Time taken for backing up client DT-ptempier: 1m 40s
0-1508417886-Backup succeeded

2017-10-19 14:58:07: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2017-10-19 14:58:07: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ClientService cmd: STATUS DETAIL#pw=xxx
2017-10-19 14:58:08: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ClientService cmd: #xxx#FILE RESTORE client_token=zmNa+xxxxxx/xxxxxx&server_token=xxxxx&id=60&status_id=30215&log_id=30325&restore_token=xxxxxxxx&restore_path=filetests%2F&single_file=0&clean_other=1&ignore_other_fs=1&restore_flags=0&tgroup=0&clientsubname=
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Starting restore…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: rc=0 hasError=true state=0
2017-10-19 14:58:08: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2017-10-19 14:58:08: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ClientService cmd: #xxxx#1CHANNEL capa=53723&token=xxxxx&restore_version=1&virtual_client=
2017-10-19 14:58:08: New channel: Number of Channels: 1
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Loading file list…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Flushing FileClient…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Calculating download size…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘’ at pos 0. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ’
’ at pos 1. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘:’ at pos 2. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘&’ at pos 3. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘s’ at pos 4. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘h’ at pos 5. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘a’ at pos 6. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘r’ at pos 7. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘e’ at pos 8. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘’ at pos 9. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘p’ at pos 10. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘a’ at pos 11. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘t’ at pos 12. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘h’ at pos 13. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘=’ at pos 14. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ’ ’ at pos 0. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘b’ at pos 1. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘b’ at pos 2. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘b’ at pos 3. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ’
’ at pos 4. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ’ ’ at pos 5. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 6. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 7. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 8. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 9. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 10. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘&’ at pos 11. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘s’ at pos 12. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘h’ at pos 13. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘a’ at pos 14. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘r’ at pos 15. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘e’ at pos 16. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char '
’ at pos 17. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘p’ at pos 18. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘a’ at pos 19. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘t’ at pos 20. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘h’ at pos 21. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘=’ at pos 22. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ClientService cmd: #ImCFBGHTA7YRvkJqDVzoh#1CHANNEL capa=53723&token=b8PaHlKW1O9nYy5lAhaW&restore_version=1&virtual_client=
2017-10-19 14:58:08: New channel: Number of Channels: 1
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Flushing FileClient…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Downloading necessary file data…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: SERVICE_COMMANDS finished
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ClientService cmd: #ImCFBGHTA7YRvkJqDVzoh#1CHANNEL capa=53723&token=b8PaHlKW1O9nYy5lAhaW&restore_version=1&virtual_client=
2017-10-19 14:58:08: New channel: Number of Channels: 1
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test1”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test11”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Flushing FileClient…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test12”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test13”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test15”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test16”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test17”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test19”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test21”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test21_slink”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test22”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test22_hlink1”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test22_hlink2”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test23”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test23_slink1”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test25”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test25_ln1”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test25_ln2”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test27”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test28”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test29”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test3”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test30”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test31”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test33_éèçàùù=±ç-()61aze¨£€#,x az~”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test34_?”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char '
’ at pos 0. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ’
’ at pos 1. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘:’ at pos 2. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘&’ at pos 3. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘s’ at pos 4. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘h’ at pos 5. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘a’ at pos 6. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘r’ at pos 7. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘e’ at pos 8. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘’ at pos 9. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘p’ at pos 10. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘a’ at pos 11. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘t’ at pos 12. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘h’ at pos 13. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘=’ at pos 14. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file "/tmp/filetests/test35
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test36_aaaa”…
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ’ ’ at pos 0. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘b’ at pos 1. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘b’ at pos 2. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘b’ at pos 3. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ’
’ at pos 4. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ’ ’ at pos 5. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 6. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 7. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 8. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 9. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘c’ at pos 10. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘&’ at pos 11. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘s’ at pos 12. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘h’ at pos 13. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘a’ at pos 14. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘r’ at pos 15. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘e’ at pos 16. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘_’ at pos 17. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘p’ at pos 18. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘a’ at pos 19. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘t’ at pos 20. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘h’ at pos 21. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: ERROR: Error parsing file BackupServerGet::getNextEntry - 1. Unexpected char ‘=’ at pos 22. Expected ‘f’, ‘d’ or ‘u’.
2017-10-19 14:58:08: Restoring file “/tmp/filetests/test37_éèçàùù=±ç-()61aze¨£€#,x az~”…