Backing up Database

In Activities (2.0.30), the server database is going thru a loop for backing up. backup_server.db, backup_server_settings.db
Backups interrupted

What logs would you like uploaded to investigate?

Ubuntu 14.04; 2.0.30 (happened on all beta copies to date)


This is actually a feature. Evertime someone tries to write to the database it restarts the backup to allow the write. I can see how this can cause more problems then simply disallowing writes for a time and will change it to that…

If you can, backup the UrBackup databases by some other method e.g. by using the UrBackup client combined with a snapshot method e.g. LVM.

Btw. this is now a release. This means bug fixes will take longer if they are not critical such as this one.

No problem. Looks like it completed. Thanks for doing this.
