Authed+capa for client 'MyWorkDesk' (token auth) - 1 spare connections

I keep getting this error when trying to backup a PC over the internet. It has occurred now with both the 1.4.4 server - 1.4.3 client and with the 1.4.5 server - 1.4.4 client

17.11.14 09:09 DEBUG Connecting to target service…
17.11.14 09:09 DEBUG Established internet connection. Service=0
17.11.14 09:09 DEBUG Authed+capa for client ‘MyWorkDesk’ (token auth) - 1 spare connections

I downloaded the preconfigured client from the server and I also have turned off the firewall on both PC’s. The backup seems to run but when it completed it actually had failed with the following log.

Starting full image backup…
Request of SYSVOL failed. Reason: Opening filesystem on device failed. Stopping… This probably just means the Computer does not have a “System restore” volume which UrBackup can backup.
Transferred 656 bytes - Average speed: 5.248 MBit/s
FATAL: Writing failed after cleanup
Transferred 118.105 GB - Average speed: 5.04514 MBit/s
Time taken for creating image of client MyWorkDesk: 2 days 7h 51m 29s
Backup failed
Exponential backoff: Waiting at least 1h 20m before next image backup

I know this error had been discussed previously when 1.4 was in beta and was thought to be fixed. I am not sure if I am mis-configuring something or if this is still an issue since I am new to using UrBackup. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Can you please check if it is the same error as this one? Is it possible to have 2 classes of backups?

I am not currently using NTFS compression on either the client, or the server machine. I am using the compressed VHD format built into UrBackup server for the backup image. I am wondering if it may have something to do with the internet client connection issues from the Authed+capa (token auth) error causing it to fail.

That’s the error causing it to fail. Maybe you can have a look at the server log to see the error code?

Is there a more detailed log that would include error codes or a setting that gives a more detailed error log? When I look under the C:\Program Files\UrBackupServer\urbackup.log it does not give any error codes. All it gives is the same errors as I had previously listed.
ERROR: Error while writing compressed file index
2014-11-15 02:27:07: ERROR: FATAL: Writing failed after cleanup
2014-11-15 02:27:07: ERROR: Error while writing compressed file index
2014-11-15 02:27:08: ERROR: Backup failed
2014-11-15 02:27:08