Agent updated from 2.4 to 2.5 missing backup paths. (Possible bug Agent 2.5.25)


I updated a server linux Rocky 8 with version 2.5.31 from 2.4.15, and as a result, the agents were automatically updated from version 2.4.15 to 2.5.25.
In this installation we’ve installed also a second server linux Rocky 8 with native version 2.5.31

The backups continue to regularly back up the correct previous folders. However, after the update, the backup paths are missing in both the GUI and the server, which is not normal.



Agent Database:

In the first attempt, I reinserted the paths. After saving them, I reopened the GUI and found it empty, both in the GUI and on the server.

In the second attempt, I restarted the agent and reinserted the paths. Now, in both the agent and server, they are shown correctly.

This behavior occurred on all hosts after the agent update, so it’s not a coincidence.
In this installation, I only have Windows hosts, so I have not tested whether this behavior also occurs in Linux agents

I hope this provides all the information needed to debug and fix the issue.

You made quite the jump in versions there, could absolutely create woopsies.

How did you save the backup paths? Because in the picture you posted, the “highway” symbol is showing in the gui, witch means you direct the settings to the client.
What happens if you click the symbol to change to use the settings from the server instead?

I have read on multiple occasions when stuff like this happens, to NOT set the paths on the client is more “stable” (set everything server side by selecting the client and changing the paths there) and transfers way better over updates of server or client software.

No this is not enough information to track down the problem.

I’ve always used the client’s section to set the backup paths.

Before the update and the reset, if I cycled through the server or client, the paths would be empty. However, if I started a backup, the folder would be copied without any problems.


Ok, sorry. I needed to fix this as soon as possible and couldn’t perform any further tests. If this issue occurs in another installation where I have time to test it, I will enable debug mode and send logs.

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