Accessing web interface or command line

I have installed UrBackup some time ago and would like to change the backup regime. However I didn’t write down how to access UrBackup from either a web interface or console. Can someone please point me in the right direction?


The access will be using http://server:55414 where “server” is the IP or name of the system running the server…what the password will be, will depend if you changed it from the default - which a quick Google should give…

@Forum_Helper_bot Please help

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Found 8 results for 'access urbackup web interface default port status:public'

Based on the search results, here are the key points about accessing the UrBackup web interface:

  • The default URL to access the UrBackup web interface is http://server:55414 where “server” is the IP address or hostname of the system running the UrBackup server. For example:

  • 55414 is the default port number for the web interface. This can be seen in multiple topics discussing the web UI URL.

  • The default password will depend on if it was changed from the default during setup. A web search may help find the original default password if it wasn’t changed.

  • There are a few topics related to configuring access to the web UI through a reverse proxy or over HTTPS/SSL, which requires some additional web server configuration beyond just the default HTTP access on port 55414.

So in summary, try accessing http://<your-server-ip>:55414 in a web browser, using the IP of your UrBackup server, and the password you set during installation (or the default password if you didn’t change it). That should bring up the web interface by default.

Let me know if you have any other questions!