Access Denied on Backups page (token_not_in_session)

I’ve just set up UrBackup on Ubuntu 16.04. When I sign in using LDAP, everything works fine except the “Backups” tab. This is the error:

This is my group rights map:

CN=UrBackup Administrators,*==>all=all

And my class rights map (left as defaults):


It works fine if I disable LDAP and log in with a locally created account.

I’m not sure if it’s worth noting, but I am running this via nginx. However, the problem still happens if I disable nginx and use the built-in webserver on port 55414.

If you want to debug this open backup_server.db (/var/urbackup/backup_server.db) with sqlite3, then

sqlite3 /var/urbackup/backup_server.db
> SELECT * FROM user_tokens;

LDAP prefix + login username + LDAP suffix needs to match one of those users in the table.

Here’s what I have (removed what looks like a credential). There appear to be no LDAP users. I must be doing something wrong?

sqlite> SELECT * FROM user_tokens;                                                                                                                                                                                                           
1|administrator||1|<removed>|2017-03-13 21:13:01                                                                                                                                                                                  
3|administrator||1|<removed>|2017-03-23 22:08:41                                                                                                                                                                                  
5|administrator||1|<removed>|2017-03-24 10:11:26                                                                                                                                                                                  
6|administrator|administrators|1|<removed>|2017-03-24 10:11:26

Do you have 2.1.x clients? If yes can you have look at the client log file?

I only have it running on my desktop for testing. Yes, it is

Edit: One second on the log file.

I emailed the log file to

2017-03-24 06:11:07: ERROR: Error while enumerating DC users: 1726
2017-03-24 06:11:11: WARNING: Limiting number of DC groups to 101

1726 is probably

1726 (0x6BE)
The remote procedure call failed.

So something with the AD server? The other will be fixed with 2.2.x. Currently it limits the number of enumerated AD users/groups to 100 for performance reasons.

Are LDAP referrals disabled and is it using LDAP version 3? I glanced at the source and didn’t see mention of either. At least with the Python libraries I use, it’s required to set an LDAP option to disable referrals when connecting to AD. Otherwise some LDAP queries will fail.

It uses NetUserEnum (OS functionality), idk how that is implemented internally, only that it normally works.

I may be misunderstanding, but the problem exists server-side, right? It’s the server that is not allowing me access to the Backups tab. My server is running on Linux, but NetUserEnum is a Windows function.

After more testing, I’m hitting the same problem on a clean of the server on Ubuntu 16.04.2. No clients, no other settings changed from their defaults. Just LDAP.

Also, when I enable LDAP for the first time and use the following query…


…the website hangs when trying to save the settings. It appears to save the settings because I am prompted to log in with AD credentials. But that just hangs after submitting, too. At this point, I need to revert the snapshot on the VM in order to use the UrBackup web interface again.

AD login only works at all if I narrow the search, like so…

OU=My Users,DC=myorg,DC=local?memberOf,objectClass?sub?(sAMAccountName={USERNAME})

But again, still can’t access the Backups page.

I understand LDAP/AD authentication is experimental, but I’d like to help troubleshoot these problems with you however I can.


I’m hitting the same issue. With the following settings on LDAP/AD class rights map I can finally login using LDAP (OpenLDAP) credentials, but just like @trj I can’t access the Backups page. It keeps outputting the token_not_in_session error:


Any update from your side @uroni?