About Full Image

The Image backup is great, but in some cases I dont need it, is there any way to stop the Windows clients from making full image backups? In my particular case I just need to back up the “My Documents” folder, and a couple other folders, no images.

Under settings, you can create custom settings per client. So clients that you don’t need image backups on you can disable it and enable file backup.

I see some parameters under “settings”, but I dont know exactly how they work.
On the client itself I deselected “active”, as I thought that would do it, but it didnt work, perhaps I should try your settings.
Can this be done on the client itself? I wonder if there is a way to send the user a pre-package installation with all the settings done already, so I dont have to create each client on the server prior installing the app on the PCs.
Thanks a lot!

If your clients are on the same local subnet as the urbackup server, when the server connects to them for the first time it will push down the config. If your clients are Internet based, you need to add them manually to the server first so the Internet client password gets created. After the initial connection from an Internet client, any config changes made on the server will be pushed down to the client.

The parameters on a per client basis work the same way they do on the server as a whole. The manual is a great resources for what the settings do.

I read the manual and didnt find a specific example on how to avoid image creation.
Which would be the setting on the server side that blocks the creating of full images?

On the settings page under SERVER there are 2 check boxes: Do not do image backups and Do not do file backups.

Those are for the the server as a whole.

To disable image backups on a per client basis, under a specific client config, make sure the “Separate settings for this client” box is checked and under the Image Backups section check the disabled boxes next to Interval for incremental image backups AND interval for full image backups.

Ohh, I see.
I like the option ‘per client’, but, is this something that can be done before the client starts making the image?
There is a way to have config sent to the user so when he install the app it comes with the settings already, on the client side, . What would be the best approach? Id would like the client PCs to be installed already with that image creating OFF. if that is even possible.
Thanks a lot for the help.

Glad to help!

Check out section 2.2.2 of the admin manual. It has some options for rolling out to multiple (windows) clients.

Again, if they are on the local LAN, when the server sees them it will push down the config. If they are Internet clients you need to add them to the Interface first and supply the client password. Then the config will be pushed down.

Another option that I do is set the image creation window to sometime during low system use (middle of the night). This way, when you add clients (as long as it is not during this window) they will not start an image backup immediately and you have time to go set their config to disable it.

Yes, thats a good idea. To tell the truth, I really like the Image functionality, the big problem I have is that they are saved on the same path as the file backups.
On this particular case, Im setting that path to archive on Amazon S3 from the server itself, so that the content of all the “My Documents” on each PC goes to the Cloud, but I dont need the images there (too expensive). The method Im using for moving those backups to S3 has no granularity on the path yet, so I dont have a way yet to avoid that the images upload. I already asked another question on this forum about placing the images on a separate folder, but I think that is a long shot, but if it could be done, then I would leave Images ON and upload to S3 only the path with the File Backups.
I will try your suggestions regarding the Images ON/OFF , thanks a lot.

That sounds like a great feature request. I can see the benefit of being able to send image backups to one path and file backups to another.