So long story short i have an offsite (hence internet based backups) backup setup, its been using urbackup and working great for years.
I have ONE machine thats a total pig and needs its own server… (just cause, no need to argue)
SO on the second machine, I cannot forward the same ports as the first server is using them.
I figure lets forward 44414 - 44415 to 55414-55414
problem is its not working, client shows “connected to Internet Server” cause in the internet tab of the client settings i set server url to “urbackup://”
but the server says “online: No” for that client.
I noticed in the server settings there are a few places i can modify things…
General> Server>
Server URL for client file/backup access/browsing:
General> Internet>
Server URL clients connect to: urbackup:// (should this be 44415?)
General> Advanced>
Non-default UrBackup Internet protocol TCP port: (do i change this?)