Hy it would be very nice to have a BootCD with the possibility to backup a PC without installing the client Software before.
It would be ideally if the Backup CD is a Plugin for BartPE - but a Linux based CD ist perhaps easier to develop -because you just have to add the option to your restore CD.
It would also be nice if the backup cd is able to write the backup to a local(USB) HDD - and it would also be nice if you later can import the backup to a backup to the server.
These options can be really usefull.
Another feature would also be great
One Client - and one Server side
The client backups his pc to the server
Everything is encrypted on client side -on backup side everything is stored encrypted -
So people can do a backup to a friend - and vice versa - only the client is able to restore his Data - so 2 friends can do a backup to another location - so fire - water-or robbery can’t harm your data if you just know your password.
PS: there is no logging and/or progress bar for the restore process - it would also be nice if i can see when a restore was initated.
Sorry for all the wishes - but i think your software will be getting better and better after implementing such things.