Linux Client Progress Calculation Wrong

I am currently using UrBackup 2.0.27 beta Server in a FreeNAS jail.
It is currently backing up data from several computers via LAN and internet, using OSX, Ubuntu Linux 16.04LTS, Ubuntu 14.04LTS and Various Windows versions. All are using the latest client version available.
I am very impressed so far!
The following image shows the progress of two internet clients;

At a glance everything looks fine. But I know for absolute certainty that the APDServer client is reporting the wrong information. The client has a 4TB RAID 5 system (I know RAID 5 is bad, it will be replaced ASAP) with a good 1.6TB unused.
My question is why does the progress indicate a total of 4.21TB to back up?


Could be either sparse files or hard links.What does du -l --apparent-size say?

Hi Uroni,
Pleased to meet you :o)
The apparent size is 2259846416 or 2.1TB

Which seems to be correct.


If you want to further investigate this, the file /usr/local/var/urbackup/data/filelist.ub on the client lists the files in the backup+ sizes (first number after the name).

Thanks Uroni,
I will check next week and let you know.


Hi Uroni,
I checked the client but there are hundreds of thousands of files, too many to calculate the total manually.
The backup has so far reached 1.5TB
I will wait until it’s complete and report back.

Thanks again for the great software.

If I can contribute in any way please let me know.


Hi Uroni,
Tonight this client hit 2.1TB and now it’s almost finished.
The 4.21TB is due to symlinks in the directory tree somewhere.

I have a couple more offsite computers I would like to back up.
One is over 4TB and it would be extremely useful if I could take a copy with a USB drive and then import the data to the server, including hashing and database entries etc. This would make large full backups very easy. Presumably once it’s on the server the deduplication would just link to the existing files.

Is this a possible future feature?

Thanks once again,

See e.g. here: Possibility to transfer data with usb-drive? - #2 by uroni

Great :slight_smile:
I’ll test it right now.

Thanks again for the great software!