GPT backup/restore

I wanted to ask if UrBackup can make a proper GPT disk full image backup? Because I successfuly backed up my hard drive with Windows 8.1 (at least with no errors (Compressed VHD)), but when I try to restore it, I get this:

Loading MBR for hard disk…
Reading MBR…
Writing MBR…
Reading partition table…
Testing partition availability…
Testing partition availability…
Testing partition availability…
Testing partition availability…

I have set up UrBackup Server on Ubuntu.
I changed the disk I wanted to restore into GPT aswell.
I tries with Live CD`s v1.1.1 and v1.2WIP.
Both had the same result.
Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you!

For GPT support you currently need Client 1.5, Server 1.5 and Restore CD 1.2 (all pre-alpha).

Thank you for your reply.
Where can I get 1.5 versions for client (Windows) and server (Ubuntu)?
Thank you.

[EDIT] Found it on SourceForge. But when I try to run ./configure, it gives me Permission denied. I did set it as executable, but no changes.

[EDIT2] Solved the problem.

When I run “make”, it stops at this:

dllmain.cpp:73:76: fatal error: apps/check_files_index.h: No such file or directory
> #include “apps/check_files_index.h”

compilation terminated.

Don`t know where to go from now.

I deleted
#include “apps/check_files_index.h”
line from dllmain.cpp and it went foward.
Now it stops at

ClientMain.cpp:47:31: fatal error: server_continuous.h: No such file or directory
#include “server_continuous.h”

What am I doing wrong? Are there realy missing files? And where can I get them?

I also found the ver. 1.5 but have few questions:

  • Since it is in WIP section, when it is supposed to become stable version, so I can implement it.
  • I have already taken some Windows Server 2008 backups, when I use the 1.5 version of the server, will I have to take new backups or it will be able to “transfer” the GPT drives to the client and properly restore the existing full image backups?

Cheers and again admiration on your wonderful job.


Just to give some update…

I restore and backup on Citrix XEN. If creating a new VM from template Other Install Media, the Windows server 2008 restoration is without any problems at all. I tried with Restore CD v.1.1.2


Hi, Alexander.
What did you use as a server? Ubuntu?

Hi there, no, Debian 7.

Did you compile the server from file or did you use .deb file?

Initial installation I did from source, then upgraded from the deb file to the current version.

Delighted to hear uroni is working on this, thanks.