Hi Uroni,
now that Urbackup reches version 1.0 and the forum threads vary a bit it may be good to start other thread categories sections in forum beside “general discussion”. I suggest one for feature requests and one for issues/bugs/errors
Hi Uroni,
now that Urbackup reches version 1.0 and the forum threads vary a bit it may be good to start other thread categories sections in forum beside “general discussion”. I suggest one for feature requests and one for issues/bugs/errors
Generally I think the rule is that new forums only should be created if enough traffic is expected there. I don’t think we are there yet.
With regards to Bugs/Features the issue tracker is more suited: https://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/urbackup/
That said, Sourceforge said they will “retire” those hosted apps ( https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/community-docs/Hosted%20Apps%20Retirement/ ) and I will likely move them then and look over what to change.