Files backup not work

urbackup 1.2 linux server
client 1.2 windows client

ID Computer name Action Starting time Required time Used Storage
350 pc08 Full file backup 2013-05-21 15:10 1 min 0 bytes

in log is nothing.

Trouble in half of computer park.

Computer name Images Files All
pc04 162.09 GB 192.83 GB 354.91 GB
pc07 52.48 GB 139.96 GB 192.45 GB
ECOSERVER 170.05 GB 0 bytes 170.05 GB
printserver 55.24 GB 67.48 GB 122.72 GB
Kep-GenDir 97.58 GB 0 bytes 97.58 GB
pc09 94.32 GB 0 bytes 94.32 GB
pc05 91.69 GB 0 bytes 91.69 GB
soros 72.98 GB 0 bytes 72.98 GB
PC03 49.91 GB 0 bytes 49.91 GB
Ot_Kadr 34.42 GB 0 bytes 34.42 GB
kep-pc12 22.94 GB 0 bytes 22.94 GB
pc08 17.62 GB 0 bytes 17.62 GB
pc10 0 bytes 0 bytes 0 bytes
Sum 921.31 GB 400.27 GB 1.29 TB

Can you post/send the client or server side debug log file for one such case? See on how to enable it.

The logs are empty, there Is a problem with the shadow copy, but this issue does not apply.

tail /var/log/urbackup.log

2013-05-27 09:53:52: WARNING: Filename “Документация ООО Фирма Кубаньэкопроект для участия в открытом запросе предложений на разработку природоохранной документации.part09.rar” too long. Shortening it.
2013-05-27 09:56:45: ERROR: Activating shadow copy on “pc04” for path “e” failed
2013-05-27 09:56:45: ERROR: Activating shadow copy on “pc04” for path “f” failed
2013-05-27 11:11:41: WARNING: Filename “Перечень документов представляемых для проведения паспортизации и согласования паспортов опасных отходов и получения свидетельств 20.doc” too long. Shortening it.
2013-05-27 11:11:41: WARNING: Filename “Ситуация по заболеваемости инфекционными и паразитарными заболеваниями в Краснодарском крае за 11 месяцев 2011 года характеризуется как стабильная.doc” too long. Shortening it.
2013-05-27 12:27:47: ERROR: Pipe to client unexpectedly closed has_error=false
2013-05-27 12:27:48: ERROR: Backup not complete because of connection problems

Just launched a full file backup, there are no errors, backup is made, the size of 0 bytes
421 ECOSERVER Full file backup 2013-05-27 13:15 1 min 0 bytes

It would be helpful if you change the loglevel to “debug” (etc. in /etc/default/urbackup_srv) and restart the server, start a backup and post the resulting log messages, because the error is difficult to see currently.

log with debug

[quote=“kirpich”]log with debug [/quote]

Thanks! Can’t see any hints there. Could you do the same thing for the client that is not working?

client logs with debug

Thanks. Will investigate.

Sorry, for the wait.

The client settings may differ, but the default “include files” setting is “C:\WINDOWS\system32\config*;”. You may want to change that to “C:\WINDOWS\system32\config*;C:*;E:*;F:*”, otherwise files from those drives will not be included in the file backup (Only files matching the include_file pattern are backed up).

If that wasn’t the issue I’ll have to investigate, if volumes as default backup dirs still work correctly.

Thank you, I will try