Error - Filename too long - backup deleted!

I am having problems with a backup with Warnings like this in the logs -
Filename “8cSh0jbJHR-vtZBM303UGEPjnXm2d5RGOSkmpoc_HuH_vRO7iCpZAueee9Ft5Wr9Ks3ZAkEA8YRNh09du0IhmrHp-eBbx0PtEa44UnqYKIddSSwaSdqkYBkKe69jWOCjeZKKIj8ssj-X5ucfjBg3-PpSAKNCpPEAsdKZBxMY7-pz07wTWOZnycFbvAw2Bt3Kam6uCA6W9kPfl2_c_m0vZqbIuqTpGgC0AJ0bmmdI9vGjf9gLtdjC874uWoxB6qI” too long. Shortening it and appending hash.

There are eight of these warnings which are followed by eight errors like this -
Errors22.04.15 06:15Storing file failed -1

And then these -
Errors23.04.15 12:10FATAL: Backup failed because of disk problems
Errors23.04.15 12:10Backup had errors. Deleting partial backup.

Any idea what I need to do?



This is a windows server, correct?

Can you send me the log file at C:\Program Files\UrBackupServer\urbackup.log (To ?

On way…

I was also facing same problem so tried long path tool ,its really helpful & easy to use.I have suggested many of my friends who were these issues.