I’ve just had chance to revisit this. The client is in debug log mode. Log File Link
Default directories to backup are now: /automysqlbackup;/bin;/etc;/home;/lib;/lib64;/lost+found;/media;/mnt;/root;/run;/sbin;/selinux;/srv;/ssl;/sys;/tmp;/usr;/var
Very confused, I’m having the same problem on Ubuntu 10.14.01LTS server.
It is indexing (calculating the hash of – i.e. reading the whole thing) the file /proc/kcore which has a size of 128T on 64bit Linux. You should not backup /dev, /proc, /tmp or /sys on Linux systems. Adjust the default directories and restart the client
Now, I’m trying the latest client on Ubuntu 14.04.1LTS. I’ve stripped the directories to backup down to a minimum.
This is the client error log in debug mode at the point of failure:
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Sending chunk start=9883648 size=1664
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Received data…
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Sending file (normal) hbZpXXWZD51T4SPEEo3Y|run/systemd/sessions/5
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Mapped name: /run/systemd/sessions/5
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Received data…
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Sending file (chunked) hbZpXXWZD51T4SPEEo3Y|run/systemd/users/0
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Mapped name: /run/systemd/users/0
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Received data…
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2014-09-19 16:15:41: FileSrv: Sending chunk start=0 size=193
2014-09-19 16:16:37: ClientService cmd: PONG
2014-09-19 16:16:41: FileSrv: 1 min Timeout deleting Buffers (1024 KB) and waiting 1h more…
2014-09-19 16:16:41: FileSrv: 1 min Timeout deleting Buffers (1024 KB) and waiting 1h more…
2014-09-19 16:17:37: ClientService cmd: PONG
2014-09-19 16:18:25: FileSrv: Recv Error in RecvMessage
2014-09-19 16:18:25: FileSrv: Recv Error in RecvMessage
2014-09-19 16:18:25: SERVICE_FILESRV finished
2014-09-19 16:18:25: SERVICE_FILESRV finished
2014-09-19 16:18:27: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2014-09-19 16:18:27: ClientService cmd: #IwR1HdlXN4Lym5xwtIIJh#2LOGDATA 1411136306 0-1411135816-Starting incremental file backup…
0-1411136111-Indexing of “bin” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “etc” done. 294 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 1 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “home” done. 4 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 1 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “lib” done. 26781 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 26 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “lib64” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “lost+found” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “media” done. 2 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “mnt” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “root” done. 234 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “run” done. 67 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 5 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “sbin” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “srv” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “usr” done. 44131 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 34 db updates
0-1411136111-Indexing of “var” done. 69130 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 148 db updates
2-1411136141-Creating directory “/home/BACKUP/myclientmachine.mydomain.co.uk/140919-1610/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-id/\x2fdisk\x2fby-id\x2fata-ST3750528AS_5VP7RQCA-part1” failed. - No such file or directory (errorcode=2)
2-1411136184-Fatal error during backup. Backup not completed
0-1411136305-Transferred 150.351 MB - Average speed: 6.5021 MBit/s
0-1411136306-Time taken for backing up client i7.mhphosting.co.uk: 8m 10s
2-1411136306-Backup failed
1-1411136306-Exponential backoff: Waiting at least 1 days 18h 40m before next file backup
Any ideas? This is driving me mad, the above seems to suggest a problem creating or access the backup location on the server?
I’ve just tried it again on the Debian 7 client and same result?
2014-09-19 18:24:20: FileSrv: Received data…
2014-09-19 18:24:20: FileSrv: Received a Packet.
2014-09-19 18:24:20: FileSrv: Sending chunk start=0 size=5
2014-09-19 18:24:46: ClientService cmd: PONG
2014-09-19 18:25:08: FileSrv: 1 min Timeout deleting Buffers (1024 KB) and waiting 1h more…
2014-09-19 18:25:21: FileSrv: 1 min Timeout deleting Buffers (1024 KB) and waiting 1h more…
2014-09-19 18:25:46: ClientService cmd: PONG
2014-09-19 18:25:49: FileSrv: Recv Error in RecvMessage
2014-09-19 18:25:49: FileSrv: Recv Error in RecvMessage
2014-09-19 18:25:49: SERVICE_FILESRV finished
2014-09-19 18:25:49: SERVICE_FILESRV finished
2014-09-19 18:25:50: Started connection to SERVICE_COMMANDS
2014-09-19 18:25:50: ClientService cmd: #IGLGQZOaUbwLZgDmQpaFs#2LOGDATA 1411143950 0-1411141967-Starting incremental file backup…
0-1411143843-Indexing of “automysqlbackup” done. 88 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 6 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “bin” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “etc” done. 233 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 3 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “home” done. 3 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “lib” done. 1527 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “lib64” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “media” done. 5 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “mnt” done. 26 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “root” done. 1461 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 1 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “run” done. 72 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 4 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “sbin” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “srv” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “ssl” done. 1 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “usr” done. 14681 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
0-1411143843-Indexing of “var” done. 4727 filesystem lookups 0 db lookups and 0 db updates
2-1411143861-Creating directory “/home/BACKUP/debianclient.mydomain.co.uk/140919-1752/run/udev/links/disk\x2fby-id/disk\x2fby-id\x2fata-SAMSUNG_HD160JJ_S08HJ13LA08629-part1” failed. - No such file or directory (errorcode=2)
2-1411143949-Fatal error during backup. Backup not completed
0-1411143949-Transferred 31.9469 MB - Average speed: 2.52897 MBit/s
0-1411143950-Time taken for backing up client germancore.mhphosting.co.uk: 33m 3s
2-1411143950-Backup failed
1-1411143950-Exponential backoff: Waiting at least 40m before next file backup
The server is in debug mode and gives no further information
2014-09-19 18:24:21: ERROR: Creating directory “/home/BACKUP/debianclient.mydomain.co.uk/140919-1752/run/udev/links/disk\x2fby-id/disk\x2fby-id\x2fata-SAMSUNG_HD160JJ_S08HJ13LA08629-part1” failed. - No such file or directory (errorcode=2)
2014-09-19 18:25:49: ERROR: Fatal error during backup. Backup not completed
2014-09-19 18:25:50: ERROR: Backup failed
2014-09-19 18:25:50: WARNING: Exponential backoff: Waiting at least 40m before next file backup
I’m totally stuck, can anyone help? It’s backing up Windows client’s fine!