Just tested, it s triggered with any backup (full and inc).
For large dataset, it s problematic, i just tried with my zabbix database and it s backuping 24h/24
I wanted to do it with my workstation, that i need to move to a new computer, but i’d have the same problem.
I maybe overedid it with the resquests before, but could it be possible to have the scripts managed as a component?
So that we can enable them for disable them for the virtual clients
With the possibility to choose which component/script is enabled (a tickbox in a component tab)?
I still think the scripts should be more server side, and synced or pushed to clients, with maybe an input box to allow to pass specific parameters to scripts. And that with the backup script a restore script is needed.
This very recent post could use just that, so in 24h, it s about 3 users with the same use case:
Make a script for each fs type or PV, gpt, fat
Possibly like for windows, allow to pass a parameter to restrict the dump to some fs/volume.
Then use a different script that would run from the urbackup livecd and run the restore scripts stored on the server