Compiling Source Code using VS 2010

It says was able to compile using VS 2010.
How to do that? I mean what file should I open first to open (Client source code) the entire project using VS 2010? I am c#.Net developer. I am not used to c++ but id love to explore more…I just love UrBackup implementation approach.
Or what is your tool/IDE suggestion best for UrBackUp? (I dont know if this is a valid question. I just know BorlandC++ a long time ago and now Im using VS since 2005)

Okay download the backend and the frontend into different folders (via git).
Backend (the service that runs in the background):
Open CompiledServer.sln. Ignore the errors about missing project files. Make sure all dependencies are there (i.e. boost). Go to build -> Batch build. Select Compiled Server Release Service, Cryptoplugin Release, fileservplugin Release, fsimageplugin Release, urbackup Release in the architecture you want.
Frontend (The tray icon):
Make sure you have a compiled version of wxWidgets ready (in your desired architecture). Batch build -> Release (in architecture).

Then you have all required files and “just” need to assemble them. Best look at what my installers do e.g. for the args.txt. The installers are included in the Frontend (urbackup.nsi, urbackup.wxs (for MSI) ).

One thing I regret doing is putting the server and client code both into the urbackup project in the backend.

VS2010 is the best tool (in my opinion that’s the best C++ IDE, but then I do not own a Mac and thus never tried XCode…). You can also build/develop it on linux though. Makefiles are included.


Thanks a lot but it seems like I really need help compiling wxWidgets.

I know it is already beyond UrBackup scope but it took me already more than a day to search and test possible solution but still unsuccessful.
The only thing I havent tried I think is to compile using VS 2008 w/c some people successfully did. But my system won’t accept installation of VS 2008 since my current is VS 2010.

You said already that you are using VS 2010 to compile the source code so maybe you can please share a little how you able to compile first your wxWidgets?

I think it took me a lot of time to compile wxWidgets as well. (Every time I need to compile new versions…) I didn’t get further as well until I read somewhere that you should stay away from the wx_vc9 solution files and just use the wx.dsw (for MSVC 6.0) and convert it to VS 2010.
Then open that batch build dialog and select everything UrBackup needs in release mode and unicode (maybe you need to add a x64 configuration if you want x64) and build as often as it needs to in order to get the right dependencies.

Still got no luck. It took me already almost 3 days to see what is really wrong with my configuration.
From 109 errors down to 68 to 54 and now its only 3 BUT I’m stuck. I cannot figure out already whats is wrong with my configuration.

Here is my configuration b[/b]

  • successfully build wxWidgets
  • successfully build boost (focusing on x86 architecture just for testing)

VS configuration:

VC++ Directories:
list D:\boost_1_48_0 (extracted path)[/list:u:38nvpydp]
list D:\boost_1_48_0\stage\lib[/list:u:38nvpydp]

C/C++ → Code Generation:
[list](Runtime Library) Multi-threaded(/MT)[/list:u:38nvpydp]

Everything is the same for both Debug and Release mode.

I think its VS 2010 bug or maybe I miss something to configure. Please help… this is really my first time to use VS in working with C++ and I honestly tried to figure out how those framework packages(wxWidgets, boost…etc…) applies.

Soorry. Forgot to mention that you also need the CryptoPP library for cryptoplugin. UrBackup runs without cryptoplugin however. It just won’t autoupdate (Which is useless atm anyway).

Same goes for the pychart and urlplugin in case you want to build the server.

CryptoPP should have the aes.h. I really try to keep the dependencies low, but some you can’t replace. Sorry and welcome to dependency hell :(